Seasons of Change

It’s graduation season… Such an exciting time! Not just for the graduates, but also their family and friends. The accomplishments, the possibilities for the future, the relief!!… So much is wrapped up during this time. There is something significant about the onset of summer as well. It’s the end of beautiful springtime. It’s the beginning of summer.  So much happens around this time; beginnings, endings,  celebrations… It’s a season of transition!

Now your transition may not be a significant milestone like a graduation but it can be a time of reflection and a turning point towards who you are becoming. Frankly, this can happen at any time if you decide.

Season of Change, Growth, Opportunity 

We grow when we face challenges

Change is scary for most people, and if we had our way we would remain in that comfort zone permanently. The familiar. On the other hand some people love it, because they know that it is during seasons of change that we grow.

As you grow through these uncomfortable seasons, remember that all of us are equipped with our own special gifts or talents. It behooves us to explore and zero in on what those may be. Sometimes through trial and error, sometimes through failure; but the goal is to keep pushing towards the beauty that is within us.

Who remembers the story of the 3 servants who were left in charge of their masters “talents”? The master went away and left in their care 5, 2 and 1 talents respectively. The ones who were given 5 and 2 went away, built on them and doubled the value. The guy who got one, took it, hid it underground.

When the master came back to get an account for the monies given to them he was pleased with the return he got from the servants who took risks and ended up doubling the value. To these men, he gave greater responsibilities; he promoted them. To the one who took the money and hid it underground, he was chastised for being lazy. His response was, “I know you are a hard man so I wanted to preserve what you left me.” In other words he didn’t want to risk losing it. He ended up losing the one talent he got to the guy who already had 10.

What’s the lesson?

No matter who we are, we are all good at something. It may not be what someone else is good at, but there is something in all of us. We should be building on the what we have been given in order to expand our talents; increase our value.


Season of New Beginnings

Seasons of Change

Even as the season is changing, we are all evolving and changing, daily. Spring or summer doesn’t happen overnight. It slowly evolves over time through a series of small changes. I say that to say that new beginnings do not necessarily mean that it has to take a big bang approach. New beginnings can happen gradually as well. What is your new beginning? How are you evolving?

Beginnings are opportunities to adjust and become. For some of us it’s picking up the pieces and moving forward, for others it’s starting something new, as terrifying as that may be.



3 Reasons Why Change is Good and You Should Embrace It

  1. It makes you smarter – Someone once said a mind stretched by a new experience will never go back to its original state. How true is that! Once you learn something new or experience something different, you can’t unlearn it or “unexperience” it.
  2. It keeps you motivated – Who doesn’t like the sense of accomplishment when you overcome a challenge or even succeed at it? When you do this, you are reminded that the possibilities are endless and it inspires you to move on to the next one. Change usually brings progress.
  3. It makes life exciting – Can you imagine doing the same thing over and over, year after year? How dull would life be?

Factors for a Successful Change

Here are some factors to consider when making a change. You will have more success if you take them into account.

  • When the change is self-motivated
  • When the change is rooted in positive thinking as opposed to guilt, fear, or regret
  • When the goals are specific (i.e., I will walk one mile at least four days each week as opposed to I will exercise)
  • When you limit your goals to a manageable number
  • When you develop a practical, realistic plan for accomplishing your goals (If you work 100 hours a week, it’s unlikely that you will have the time to walk one mile at least four days a week.).
  • When you incorporate avoidance of triggers in your action plan
  • When you spend time with others who are positive role models for the change you’re trying to make (i.e., those who don’t have the habit or those who have successfully changed).
  • Source: 

Change is hard, but it’s been done before. So go out there, go get it done! We’re in your corner.

Change is difficult, not changing is fatal – William Pollard

Please leave your comments below about any change you’re going through right now(if you care to share) and how you are transitioning through it. Looking forward to hearing from you!






10 Wonderful Lessons from Mother

Mother’s Day is a special day for most people. I work in the payments industry and it’s the biggest spending day! Even bigger than Black Friday! Imagine that!. Suffice it to say, it’s an extra special day for some very special people; mothers.

I did some research among my friends to gather info on what stands out in their minds as the greatest lesson they have learnt from their mothers. Responses were along the lines of advice on relationships, money, and life in general. I pulled all of that together as there are common threads in some. By the way, my sample was from both male and female. Some mothers are still here and making an impact, others have gone on to a better place and have left behind a lasting legacy. Below I share 10 wonderful lessons from mothers(in no particular order).


Some of us can attest to mothers who would give their last ounce of effort just to ensure that their children’s basic needs were met. They would deprive themselves, not just physically, but also of their hopes and aspirations,  just so that we could have what we need to succeed. In some cases it was those extra funds to pay for the extra classes to prepare for exams, it could be that school trip, you name it.

My friend recalls how her mother(who was a teacher) used to give guided tours to visitors to the island to make extra money to pay school fees and buy school supplies. Now in today’s world that would be considered dangerous but back then she did what she had to do. No honest work was too trivial. If that’s not selfless I don’t know what is.

Generosity and Humility

Several friends recall that their mothers exemplified what it means to be kind to others, good living. Some Jamaican mothers have this “thing” where they will never allow another person to be hungry if they can help it. Even if they don’t have enough for their own children they would “stretch it” so that the neighborhood kids who don’t have enough to eat could partake.

One in particular mentioned that she didn’t know how far her mother’s kindness extended until after she passed away. She obviously left an indelible mark on others who will hopefully continue to pay it forward.

This goes hand in hand with lessons on humility. One friend recalls her mother passing on wisdom that no matter where you are in life, remain humble. You never know when you will have to look up at the person you once looked down on.

Living Unapologetically

One friend got advice from her mother to be comfortable doing things her way, unapologetically. She was encouraged to embrace changing thoughts and ideas throughout the seasons of life. These changes can be far removed from what you are accustomed to, but as long as it doesn’t compromise integrity and the essence of who you are, then be open to it.

Self Care

This is something that most of us mothers neglect. I am happy there are mothers out there passing this wisdom on because it is WISE!. You really do have to take care of yourself first and that naturally extends to the people around you. If you are stressed out and frazzled, you emit those vibes and your efforts are thwarted despite your best intentions. Advice is to practice self care. You cannot pour from an empty cup! Or worse yet, you might be pouring negativity making a bad situation worse.

Importance of Prayer

For those of you who are people of faith, this is very important. My friend said her mother taught her to pray about EVERYTHING. This is a tough one for most people because we start looking for solutions and stressing before we seek the help we truly need. We really need to change the order and pray first, then work. Concept here is that we will be guided in the way we should go. Even if we fail in the moment, there is a lesson in it and that’s where faith comes in.

Finding True Love

Another friend recounts how her grandmother, who was her main caregiver drilled into her the need to find true love. This extended to the relationships she sought and tried to maintain through out her life. She never allowed herself to settle if that main ingredient was not present.

Keeping Private Things Private(Don’t Overshare)

This one I found very interesting. One person shared that his mother taught him not to overshare. I didn’t get it at first but here is the essence of it. You know as children when you visit your friends house, or even at school; sometimes other adults will give kids the third degree to find out about details about their parents and home situation. I know it’s kinda unfair but it happens. So his mother told him not to allow himself to be questioned in that way.

Patience and Perseverance

Another friend recalls that his mother not only taught him the importance of patience and perseverance in life but exemplified it. She taught him the importance of waiting and putting the effort into anything worth having. His wife remembers her mother saying “Bird fly too fast, fly past dem nest” [Translation: Be patient, some things just take time].

I remember my own mother, who delayed furthering her education until both my brother and myself were further along with ours. She and I ended up at the same university and the same time. We got our bachelors’ degrees within a year of each other.

One person said whenever she wanted to sleep and not study her mother would sing in her ear “The heights by great mean reached and kept were no attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept were toiling upwards in the night”. So apt!!

Being content with what you have

My cousins recall how much my aunt would tell them not to be “red eye”. For those of you who are not familiar with the term it simply means not to begrudge others for what they have. My own mother would say to us that if you are “red eye”, you would be willing to do anything to get it(and not in a good way). My grandmother would also tell us not to envy other people because you don’t now what they had to do to get it. For example, you see that nice couple who seems to be living the life, multiple cars and that expensive house with the pool. It might have been gotten by illegal means, things you yourself would not be willing to do.

Bottom line is, “if you want good yuh nose haffi run”. [Translation: you can accomplish what you want if you are willing to put in the work.]

Dream Big

My friend recalls that things were pretty rough financially for her single mom raising 6 children. Her mother consistently reminded them that this was not their final destination. This led them to strive to succeed. Now she and her siblings have succeeded in their various fields, testament to values passed from their mother.

She also added that laughter was what helped them through some of the tough times.

There is so much more to share. I might need to do a part 2. As I collected all these messages and tidbits from my friends, the most common theme I noticed was that many of them said that their mother never really sat them down and told them these things but rather led by example. If there ever was a take-away from this, it would be that we are the screen of our children’s lives. They watch us. We cannot say one thing and do the other, it cannot be “do as I say but not as I do”. Your lives are a living example and will make the biggest impact on your children.

I am happy that so many of my friends and family have positive role models after which to fashion their own lives and will extend to their own parenting. I know I can attest to the influence of my own parents and extended family in shaping who I am. And I am grateful for that. I have seen the product of what it’s like to be devoid of positive influence in one’s life. Those of us who can, let’s pay it forward. Share the positivity, even if it’s just to our own children. Never forget the lessons!

Please comment and share your experiences below. We’d love to hear from you!

Lessons from Mom
Lessons from Mom





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